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my heart is full of pain<br>
i can't even explain<br>
even i show you my pain <br>
i really can't explain<br>
my heart is full ofDisappointment <br>
i want to make an achievement<br>
how can i pass this<br>
my heart is full of pain<br>
how can i explain<br>
be strong,be active<br>
to be impressive,to be attractive<br>
my heart is broken<br>
damage,lonly and boring<br>
unbelieveble feeling<br>
stress,scaired and also feer<br>
my heart is full of pain <br>
i can't explain<br>
my heart is crying<br>
crying unusall tears<br>
my heart is screaming<br>
screaming very weared voice<br>
i am in a sercle with whit walls<br>
ican't find the doors,the windows or even a key<br>
i am dying<br>
my heart is dying<br>
i can't find the light in order to fight<br>
no one has the light to help me win my fight<br>
my heart is full of pain <br>
i can't even explain<br>